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How to make someone obsessed with you psychology

How to make someone obsessed with you psychology

How to Make Someone Obsessed with You Psychology, Building a deep emotional connection with someone can be a powerful experience. While it’s important to approach relationships ethically, understanding the psychological principles behind human attraction can help create a bond that fosters intense affection. If you’re curious about how to make someone obsessed with you from a psychological standpoint, this article will explore various methods and techniques that can strengthen emotional ties, enhance attraction, and develop deeper connections.

Understanding Attraction and Obsession: The Basics

Before delving into the details of how to make someone obsessed with you, it’s essential to understand the difference between healthy attraction and obsession. Attraction is a natural, mutual feeling of affection or admiration, whereas obsession can sometimes indicate an unhealthy preoccupation with someone. This article focuses on using psychology to create a positive and balanced connection, rather than fostering toxic dynamics.

Attraction often begins with how someone perceives you, while obsession can develop when certain psychological triggers are activated, making the person think about you constantly.

1. Build Emotional Connection

One of the most fundamental aspects of creating obsession is fostering a deep emotional connection. When someone feels understood, valued, and connected, their attachment to you grows significantly.

How to build emotional connection:

  • Active Listening: Show genuine interest in the other person’s thoughts and feelings. Pay close attention when they talk and respond thoughtfully.
  • Empathy: Demonstrate empathy by validating their emotions and being supportive when they share personal experiences.
  • Vulnerability: Open up about your own emotions and life experiences. This invites trust and reciprocity, creating a bond.
  • Consistent Communication: Maintain regular and meaningful communication, which helps keep the person engaged and thinking about you.

2. Create Mystery and Intrigue

Psychology shows that mystery and intrigue are powerful triggers for attraction and obsession. People are naturally drawn to those who maintain an element of unpredictability, as it keeps their attention piqued.

Ways to create mystery:

  • Be Selective in Sharing: While building an emotional connection is essential, don’t reveal everything about yourself all at once. Leave some details of your life or opinions for future conversations.
  • Keep Them Guessing: Don’t always be available at their beck and call. Being slightly unpredictable in your behavior or responses can keep them intrigued and wanting more.
  • Subtle Flirting: Engage in subtle and playful flirting, which can increase excitement and curiosity without overwhelming the other person.

3. Use the Principle of Scarcity

In psychology, the principle of scarcity plays a major role in increasing someone’s desire for you. People value things that are rare or hard to obtain more than what is readily available.

How to apply scarcity:

  • Don’t Always Be Available: Occasionally pull back and create some distance. When you’re always accessible, the other person may take you for granted. Make them feel like they have to work for your attention.
  • Be Independent: Maintain your personal life, hobbies, and friendships. By showing that you have a fulfilling life outside of the relationship, you become more desirable.
  • Limited Access: Give them limited access to you at times, which makes your presence more valuable. This can ignite feelings of wanting to see or hear from you more frequently.

4. Mirror Their Behavior (Mirroring)

One psychological tactic often used to create rapport is mirroring. This is when you subtly imitate the other person’s body language, speech patterns, or behavior. It fosters a sense of familiarity and connection, which can enhance feelings of attraction.

How to mirror effectively:

  • Body Language: If they lean forward while talking, you can lean forward slightly as well. If they smile, smile back.
  • Speech Patterns: Match the pace and tone of their voice. If they speak calmly, adopt a similar tone.
  • Interests: Show interest in things they enjoy or care about. This helps create a bond of shared experiences.

Mirroring helps build trust subconsciously, making the person feel more comfortable and connected with you.

5. Create Emotional Highs and Lows (Push-Pull Technique)

The push-pull technique is a psychological strategy where you create moments of emotional highs and lows. It’s a method of giving someone attention and then withdrawing it, which heightens their emotional engagement with you.

How the push-pull technique works:

  • Give Attention, Then Withdraw: Engage deeply with the person by showing them affection or attention, and then pull back slightly, making them crave more of your presence.
  • Compliment, Then Tease: Offer genuine compliments followed by playful teasing. This contrast creates emotional stimulation and can lead to greater emotional investment.

However, this technique must be used carefully and in moderation to avoid creating frustration or misunderstandings.

6. Be Confident and Self-Assured

Confidence is one of the most attractive traits according to psychology. People are drawn to those who exhibit self-assurance and independence. If you’re comfortable in your own skin, others are likely to find you more appealing.

How to exude confidence:

  • Body Posture: Stand tall, maintain eye contact, and use open body language. These signals communicate confidence and attract attention.
  • Self-Respect: Set healthy boundaries in your relationships, demonstrating that you value yourself. When someone sees that you respect yourself, they are more likely to respect you as well.
  • Pursue Your Passions: Be passionate about your own life and goals. A person who is ambitious and committed to their personal growth is incredibly attractive.

7. Appeal to Their Senses

Sensory experiences can create lasting memories and strong emotional connections. Engage the other person’s senses through subtle actions that make them think of you even when you’re not around.

Ways to appeal to their senses:

  • Scent: Wear a unique, memorable fragrance that reminds them of you whenever they catch that scent elsewhere.
  • Touch: Use light, non-invasive touch during conversations to create intimacy.
  • Environment: Create shared experiences in beautiful, memorable settings that they associate with you.

8. Be a Source of Positive Emotions

According to the emotional contagion theory in psychology, people are attracted to individuals who make them feel good. If you consistently bring positivity into their life, they will naturally want to be around you more.

How to spread positive emotions:

  • Be Supportive: Offer encouragement during tough times and celebrate their successes.
  • Stay Upbeat: While it’s essential to be genuine, maintaining a positive and optimistic outlook can draw others towards you.
  • Create Joyful Memories: Plan fun activities, share jokes, and engage in playful banter. Positive shared experiences are the cornerstone of strong relationships.

9. Leverage the Law of Reciprocity

The law of reciprocity suggests that when someone does something nice for us, we feel compelled to return the favor. By doing kind or thoughtful things for someone, you can trigger this psychological effect and encourage them to invest in you emotionally.

How to use reciprocity:

  • Small Gestures: Show thoughtfulness with small acts of kindness, like remembering their favorite drink or offering help when they need it.
  • Give Compliments: Genuine compliments can make someone feel good and often lead to them complimenting you back.
  • Be Generous: Be generous with your time and attention, but do it in a way that feels natural and not overwhelming.


Making someone obsessed with you using psychology involves understanding human emotions and behaviors while also approaching relationships ethically. By building a strong emotional connection, creating intrigue, and using strategies like mirroring, emotional highs and lows, and positive reinforcement, you can cultivate deep affection and attraction. Keep in mind that mutual respect and care should always be the foundation of any relationship.


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