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Pimple ke daag kaise hataye gharelu upay – lifestyleno1

Pimple ke daag kaise hataye gharelu upay
How to Remove Pimple Marks: Home Remedies :-Almost every person has faced pimples at some point in their life. Although pimples are a cause of trouble in themselves, the marks and spots caused by them can become an even bigger problem. These marks can reduce the beauty of the face and affect self-confidence. In this article, we will learn about some home remedies that can help in removing the marks of pimples.

1. Lemon juice

Lemon juice contains vitamin C which helps in lightening the spots on the skin. Apply lemon juice directly on the spots and wash it after 10-15 minutes. Keep in mind that do not go out in the sun after applying lemon, as it can cause skin irritation.

2. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer for the skin and has anti-inflammatory properties that help lighten pimple marks. Apply fresh aloe vera gel directly on the marks and leave it overnight. Wash off with cold water in the morning.

3. Honey and cinnamon mixture

Honey has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, while cinnamon contains antioxidants that help repair the skin. Make a paste of honey and cinnamon and apply it on the affected areas. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

4. Gram flour and turmeric face pack

A mixture of gram flour and turmeric makes the skin clean and bright. Mix turmeric in gram flour and make a paste with water or rose water and apply it on the face. Wash the face with lukewarm water after 15-20 minutes. Turmeric has antiseptic properties which help in reducing blemishes on the skin.

5. Tomato juice

Tomato juice acts as a natural bleaching agent and helps to lighten pimple marks. Apply fresh tomato juice directly on the marks with the help of a cotton ball and wash off after 15-20 minutes.

6. Almond oil

Almond oil contains vitamin E and other nutrients that nourish the skin and help lighten the spots. Before going to bed at night, take a few drops of almond oil and massage it gently on the spots. Wash your face after waking up in the morning.

7. Sandalwood Powder

Sandalwood powder has been used since ancient times to make the skin clean and glowing. Make a paste by mixing sandalwood powder with rose water and apply it on the spots. Wash the face with cold water after 15-20 minutes. By doing this remedy regularly, the spots start getting lighter.

8. Potato juice

Potato juice is considered very effective for lightening the skin tone. Grate fresh potatoes and extract its juice and apply it on the spots. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. The enzymes present in it make the skin brighter and help in reducing the spots.

9. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that deeply nourishes the skin. It has antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties that help keep the skin healthy. Apply coconut oil on the scars before going to bed at night and massage gently. With regular use, the scars gradually start to lighten.

10. Green tea bags

Green tea contains antioxidants that help in improving the skin. Cool the used green tea bags and apply them on the spots. This will refresh the skin and lighten the spots.


These home remedies should be used regularly to get rid of pimple marks. However, everyone’s skin is different, so it is necessary to do a patch test before adopting any new remedy. If any remedy causes irritation or any other problem on the skin, it should be stopped immediately and a dermatologist should be consulted. By using home remedies regularly and correctly, one can get rid of pimple marks and give a new glow to the skin.



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